see also this recent very large study from France: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-31401-5

lost in the argument of myocarditis from vaccine vs myocarditis from covid is the more important question of what is the mechanism through which a vaccine could even cause myocarditis in the first place? A lot of mainstream pro-mRNA voices are willing to acknowledge some post-vaccine myocarditis risk, if only to dismiss it as negligible -- but even accepting their premise, even if it is negligible, how do they explain it? Because I remember months and months of hearing that spike protein is harmless and just stays in the deltoid anyway and just disintegrates in a day or two etc etc. Fine, if that is true (and it is still proclaimed as true as I write by the CDC itself), then what is the mechanism of the post-vaccine myocarditis? Is there another, non-spike poison involved? Has anyone attempted to answer that, to your knowledge?

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You are asking in irony, as we know the answers for more than a year:

- spike protein does not stay in the deltoid.

- when incorrectly administered even the mRNA itself does not stay in the deltoid

- the spike protein can travel to all kinds of location, like placenta, brain and importantly accumulates in the liver. But it also attaches itself to the inside of the veins and - key here - to the heart muscle. This then causes the body to attack these cells, causing inflammation. This process is enhanced when higher levels of testosterone are present, explaining men's higher risk.

I don't think the CDC denies the above so much, but just proclaims that this is rare. In fact with the recent approval of Novavax FDA even insisted that a myocarditis warning label would be added to the approval. It is just that nobody in the media presses them and government officials and doctors close the ranks, that the 'low risk' becomes truth.

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Great questions. I'd love to know the answers to that too.

Another thing that is sometimes lost in the argument comparing rates of vax-induced myocarditis to c19-induced myocarditis is that the vaccine does NOT prevent you from getting c19 -- so the argument is meaningless!

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There is no C19-induced myocarditis.

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That is hard to establish that say Delta did not cause some level of heart damage at a level currently considered subclinical--which doesn't mean it won't cause problems later. Heart damage caused by spike protein is not reversible. So until a study is done measuring, for example, troponin levels in individuals after COVID infection, how can we know? Hard to measure people before infection, but you could do that to establish some kind of baseline! Or you'd have to measure against a historical level of the "normal" level of troponin in the population studied. COVID as the cause needs to be determined by a test that's reliable; the PCR tests are not at all reliable at 35 to 45 cycles, but more useful at 17 cycles for example. The fact that it would not be easy to devise a proper study, no less get funding, make it challenging, but nonetheless important. Some doctors are self-funding.

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Yes that too. But pro vaxxers who try to make that argument don’t care about facts. Or they will just deny it. So I was trying to appeal to something else, like logical consistency? Still hopeless for most unfortunately

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JAMA study shows myo/pericarditis cases spiking early 2021, after vax rollout, not in 2020 from Covid infection. Click on "figures/tables" in upper right hand corner.


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I read somewhere on Substack an Israeli study on this question. They found more occurrences of Myocarditis amongst the non-infected non-vaccinated control group as compared to the non-vaccinated Covid recovered group to answer the question is Myocarditis worse in those who were infected and recovered? The answer-no.

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I took them to keep my job, I paid $$$$ for a private cardiologist to tell me I was at much lower cardiovascular risk by taking it. I could have dealt with not going to a pub or cafe for a year or more.

I should send the data to that cardiologist now. Fortunately I only experienced a few weeks each time of annoying palpitations which could be every second or third beat, and 120bpm resting rate at night. That has faded, now if I use exercycle after about ten minutes 20% of the time I get palps and a 1/10 discomfort on my heart. Walking on incline doesnt seem to trigger it but I avoid steep hill walks outdoors just in case I die. I have met many young men in NZ who often describe palpitations, going to accident and emergency centres, urgent after hours drs and their own doctors after their vaccinations.


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The broader context of vascular injuries in general is what needs to be investigated too. My husband developed avascular necrosis practically overnight and has to have his hip replaced next week because of it. So much time off and lost income. We're losing everything now. Such a betrayal from "the science".

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Ahem, indeed. First, as mentioned by Michael Yeadon long ago, these vaccines weren't even necessary even putting aside their lethal nature and dangerous adverse side affects too numerous to list here. Put up any early treatment protocols by groups like AFLD or My Freedoctor.com or Farid and Tyson, who lost no one to death as far as I know against any hospital's zero tolerance for early treatment protocols and flipping on respirators and the toxic Remdesivir when patients were told nothing could be done so go home, deteriorate in place, and come back when you become hypoxic and we'll finish you off. Almost a million dead thanks to hospicide. The vaccine"targeted approach" is utter nonsense. The risks far outweigh the benefits especially given the high number of deaths so far. More people dead than saved. The most dangerous drug in human history. More deaths than any drug treatment in the history of vaccines and again, the URF. Jessica estimates 31, Steve Kirsch 41, others even higher. This should have been shut down week one. The suggestion this is appropriate for anyone is ludicrous. While it's true, the "vaccines" so far have prevented severe disease, that was merely a short term benefit all but erased with the new variants and the coming newer variants which have finally developed the ability to penetrate LRT and cause severe disease and death among the vaccinated. As GVB recently said, the catastrophic horse has left the barn and the permanent damage to the vaccinee's immune systems have crippled their ability to utilize non-neutralizing antibodies and the ability to train itself to fight off variants. Secondly, the URF for VIM itself is extremely high as evidenced by the sudy link offered by Jessica. Thank you, Jessica. The problem here, as bad as it is, is grossly understated. Thirdly, Dr Malone mentioned on one of his interviews that the data are pouring in suggesting that sub clinical Myorcarditis is occurring in the MAJORITY of vaccinees. If true, we've only just begun. The whole project was sinister from day one and now the data regarding lowering birth rates in highly vaccinated countries and regions is just another consequence of particular concern. Like EVERY other response to Covid that has left the world far worse off shape, the coagulant inducing gene therapies will cripple the world with 5 billion unfortunate souls who either swallowed the cool aid willingly or were coerced to do so and for those permanently injured, have been left out to dry with no one to help. They are on their own.

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With a 99.9999% survival rate why does anyone need a jab?

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Rav, You are a talented young and wide awake journalist. Thanks for your great work!

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Is the risk of subclinical myocarditis also accounted for? I could imagine that doing damage, especially in the young children whose hearts are still developing.

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Now this is a real investigation! Looking critically at the facts rather than just absorbing a pre-chewed narrative, a good explanation of the science involved, and a human interest piece. The kind of work that actual journalists are supposed to do. Thank you Mr. Arora for being an honest and in-depth investigator. As we certainly can't expect the mainstream media to do a proper job, unless of course we view their job as simply being propaganda for the masses.

I also wanted to share an essay I read recently which examines government and corporate policies during the COVID pandemic in an intellectually independent manner. Including considering the perspectives of racial and economic equality, and here I'm talking about real equality, not the extremism of modern "identity politics". And looking at statistics which prove that the stated goals of the policies are very different from the revealed truths of their disproportionate effects against marginalized populations, including non-white people and white conservatives. Link to the essay: https://geraldrogue.substack.com/p/medicalization-and-colonization?s=r

I should let you know in advance that the essay is really long (took me about 2 hours to read it fully) but it's comprehensively covering the "stories" of the past few years from various angles. A commenter put together a summary here: https://geraldrogue.substack.com/p/medicalization-and-colonization/comment/6544999?s=r

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If you really want to upset the medico-pharma cartel, research why the rate of autism is so much higher in boys (already proven), and specifically in boys with higher testosterone levels (already proven). Either the vaccines themselves or too many vaccines in a short time frame are causing neuro-inflammation in baby boys, who have almost the same levels of testosterone as teenage boys.

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Thank you for your ethical reporting! Thank you for not being fearful to share these stories. Your grit has inspired us to start sharing our stories.


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"Working at a government agency he was mandated to get it. Losing his job was not even an option to consider."

While I feel incredibly sorry for Desh, I would say that a fundamentally better approach would be to say that "working for an employer who mandates medical procedures is not even an option to consider."

Too many people who did have misgivings nevertheless gave in. And here we are...

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Good article but I doubt Desh's baseline heart rate was 150. If he exercised alot probably more like 50

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Desh's heart rate reached 210 beats per minute.

Dr Robert Malone also had a reaction of over 200 heartbeats per minute and almost died. A cardiologist friend saved him. While in recovery, he received a prescription of Ivermectin from Dr. Meryl Nass which was instrumental in his recovery. It happened after the second dose.

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Thank you so much for this. I am a nurse and wrote my story at nancyrbenedict.substack.com I was able to keep one of my sons and my son-in-law from getting the shot. I pray the others will be ok.

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