That's not what Rav is saying in this well researched article. But if you have evidence to support your claim of a conspiracy to murder people through vaccines, then please provide it.
Without getting too into the weeds, the simple proof is that it HAS killed so many people and those in authority don't seem bothered by it even a little bit. It hasn't slowed their roll at all, in fact they don't really acknowledge more than a handful of "extremely rare" serious adverse events (but that's no reason you shouldn't get your new and improved booster!). By conventional standards, the drug would have been pulled after a few months.
With the exception of the 9 people killed by the Johnson vaccine, no one in the US has been killed by a covid vaccine. Versus at one point, 4000 people a day, about 30% healthy young adults, being killed by covid. Even today, 400 a day are being killed by covid, making it the third highest killer of americans.
The Pfizer documents forced to be released by court order in 2021 showed, among other things that well over 1,000 people died shortly after taking the vaccine only in the first 3-4 months of use. We don't know the total number of doses (redacted) but this fact alone puts the lie to the claim that no one has died from the mRNA jabs.
Anyone using the word “conspiracy” today has not only lost the argument but is also far too lazy to do even the smallest amount of research into the VAXX Bio Weapon.
I will re-phrase then: please provide sources to back up your claim that the intention of vaccines is to murder people. Then I can check their veracity and credibility and apply the kind of investigative rigour required to back up such an off the cuff assertion. The reason I'm asking you is because you are the one making the claim. You don't get to do that and then call me the lazy one.
Read this. September 5th, 2019. Everything can be verified with Internet Archive. The so-called "operative" was from Sweden. Yes, that country that didn't seem to get Covid seriously.
I'm actually asking questions of those who think the vaccines are a mass murder plot. Seems like you're on the other extreme here, where there's no room to question Big Pharma's profit motive or vaccine efficacy or safety. I'm sure Rav would like to hear about the bald faced lies he's written. Why not actually discuss and debate the points he's raised rather than question his integrity with a drive-by ad hominem?
It's extremely difficult to prove intent. It is, of course possible that the jabs are intended to inflict casualties. But isn't it far more likely that simple greed explains most of the bad behavior? Well connected corporations (Pharma) and individuals are making billions off the mRNA jabs and other emergency products. Government and NGOs are gaining power. And yes, much evidence points to deliberately ignoring injury and death the vaxxes cause. Fraud, recklessness and dereliction of duty and similar charges, most certainly. But murder and genocide? That is several notches higher on the scale of evil. And as I said, even if it turns out to be true, would be extremely difficult to prove.
Agree, "It’s a VAXX Bio Weapon to murder people.", but what too few realize is that, even if you remove the spike protein (confirmed bio-weapon part of vaxx), it would still be a bio-weapon vaxx because all mRNA pseudo-vaccines are harmful to humans, as noted in "john" comments below.
Simplifying the proof of criminal malfeasance, by only having to prove the use of mRNA technology, will help simplify what it takes to do what you say = "When this war is over execution for these psychopaths will be the easy way out" = is what they deserve and what I pray for..
True, but point was that the use of mRNA technology shots, of any kind, is to use a bio-weapon against humanity. Medical basis for "mRNA use alone being all that is needed to prove shot is a bio-weapon" can be found in "john" comments below.
Is important for people to be aware of this fact because tptb plan to convert all vaccines to mRNA in the future, so all shots will be bio-weapons. Is a clever ploy by the criminals, as all they have to do is convince most people that bio-weapon ingredients are no longer in mRNA shots, and they now have a covert bio-weapon for people to take w/o thinking.
Sure hope you are right, but is almost certain that tptb crooks have powerful financial connections that they have used, for over a century, to throw monkey wrenches into efforts to hold the criminals accountable.
"True" = "There are no spike proteins in the vaccines." That is:
* The mRNA pseudo-vaccines infect your cells, causing them to make key parts of the spike protein, which causes your immune system to make antibodies to attack the spike proteins in your blood, but unfortunately this is not where they need to be to keep people from being infected by covid (ie, these antibodies are needed on the inside surfaces of your airways, so they can help keep breathed-in viruses from infecting you -- see 11:10-12:28 of Dr Bhakdi MD tutorial, ref’d below )
* Also unfortunate is the "fact" that these antibodies will cause the cell, that generated the key spike proteins parts, to be attacked/killed by "complement" in a violent and highly inflammatory manner (see 16:15-19:39 of Dr Bhakdi MD tutorial, ref’d below)
"Not True" = "And what is in the vaccine is gone from your body in days." That is:
* “what is in the vaccine is gone from your body in” weeks or months, not days (see 20:50-21:23 of Dr Bhakdi MD tutorial, ref’d below)
The testing on 8 mice was an appalling example of the incompetence and lack of professional standards in the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry in and of itself. More broadly though, it was a blatant example of the obnoxious arrogance and disdain the industry has for the wellbeing of it's customers. With billions of people's health at stake, and depite the enormous resources at their disposal, they put in the effort to test 8 mice!
Those who have faith in this industry are so deluded it beggars belief.
Same goes for the FDA, CDC, NIH etc. 8 mice, and they're keen to shove it into people's bodies.
The testing of only eight mice, was in my opinion just a bad joke on all of humanity. Just testing to see how far they can push the credulity of humanity.
The essential point is that the entirety of the USA - and other "nations" too, is not a nation whose various departments are there to help you, or to improve your quality of life, they are simply there to make a profit, because they are not "nations", but rather, corporations, so to hell with any outdated ideas about "transparency" "professional standards" "refusal to lie in pursuit of profit" etc etc. So only having eight mice in their pre release "study" makes good financial sense - it saves them money, and gets the profit flowing more quickly.
We know that they are immune from liability if these EUA products go wrong - as they clearly do - so there is no financial reason for them to ensure that they are either safe or effective - words which, incidentally, do NOT mean what you think they mean.
The only way to get the booster “approved” was to do a short-term in mice focusing only on antibody response. If animal trials or clinical trials were done, it might become obvious how deadly mRNA-based injections are (leading to poor clinical outcomes and an increase in all cause mortality). Better to do a superficial, short-term study in mice, and sacrifice them to end the study, before finding out they die from the treatment intervention (vaccination).
Agree in general, but in my view, it is "criminal malpractice/incompetence" for all MD's involved in pushing these deadly shots, because they are ignoring the immune system basics they were taught in medical school.
Not much immunology is taught in medical school, so I don't think most have the knowledge base to know when "science" and state/federal agencies are lying to them. Those pushing the vaccine as federal/state employees are protected by governmental immunity. Patients and the public have little chance when the government and system are against them.
Agree, with your point, except for MD's sitting on immunological approval boards -- like the VRBPAC, that approved mRNA shot for 6-month old kids, who are at near zero risk from covid -- who's competence to serve on such panels requires that they understand basic immune system functions.
Not an expert, but believe the "protected by governmental immunity" you mention is actually the bond/insurance that public servants buy (and are reinbursed by govt) to protect them from financial loss in case their incompetence/fraud hurts others.
Also agree, "Patients and the public have little chance when the government and system are against them." But, think having one of the "legal powerhouses going after the covid criminal," target, financially ruin, and ideally jail a few individual MD's on such approval boards would go a long way toward scaring the other MD's into acting more ethically.
And to facilitate such civil/criminal trials, the idea was to simplify malfeasance arguments to, at a minimum, being that mRNA use was inherently damaging to humans. And, that MD's on boards that approve immunological therapies, like the VRBPAC, are liable for injuries resulting from their bad decisions, which ignored damages resulting from basic immune system functions, that have been established for decades in medical textbooks and studies.
we all know by now who the government is serving. BigMoney. They are either on the receiving end or they are blackmailed. Or both. Nobody cares about you or me or anyone else (or may be for a few dear and near) but what is life of a few hundredthousand citizens, if you get a few millions in your bank account?
Well written, thanks. I am furious that our tax dollars are being wasted in "marketing" of this ridiculously ineffective and wildly untested new shot, that is fixing something that doesn't exist. Covid is no longer deadly except in super at risk people, and those people are better of getting early treatments through their doctor, like vitamin C, D3, zinc, Ivermectin, and if necessary, in extreme cases, some form of monoclonal antibody. With treatment done early enough, deaths drop to virtually zero. So why are we still pushing experimental vaccines with our tax dollars???
Good article! I had two medical appointments yesterday, one office did not require the mask to be worn. Yay! The dentist had me worried because not only did they want to know vaxx status they wanted to know boosters as well. For a brief moment I thought they would turn me away. They didn't and I was relieved, turned out to be a positive experience. The last dentist I went to was over the top crazy about Covid protocol.
The Germans are wanting new data, and the vaxx to stop while it is being done.
Why? I liked them, they were very good to me. I sat in the chair the whole time w/out a mask, while waiting for the dentist and chatting w/the asst, the only Rona thing they did was to ask me to rinse my mouth out w/a hydrogen peroxide mouth rinse before they started the exam. I do that at home. The dentist fixed my pain issue and they didn't charge me an arm and a leg. Now, the other dentist was anal, and that is why I wanted to try someone new.
They didn't insist, they didn't even question my response. I don't know how many medical doctors you see but every last one of them ask about the vaxx. What was new to me was the question about how many boosters. I don't think they have a choice to not ask about vaxx status. Where it gets tricky is if they deny service. I wasn't denied anything, in fact got excellent care.
In early November I went to a routine annual eye check-up. Among the routine medical questions was whether I'd had my flu and pneumonia shots. I asked the nurse "Are you required by the government to ask that?" She said "Yes." I answered "no". After I had left the office, only then did it occur to me that the appropriate response would have been something like: "That is none of your business, unless you can persuade me that a vaccination has any relevance to the care that I am to receive today."
“Feeling overwhelmed by the news? You’re not alone. There’s a lot of information out there, and it’s hard to break it all down and digest it properly. That’s why I, Bill Gates, invented Liquifact — an easy-to-absorb formula that ensures you’re getting all the right facts.”
I've spent 2 + YEARS studying this attempt at GENOCIDE!...As Eugene V Debs responded when asked what is wrong about Capitalism "When you make a dollar then you want another...where is the end of THAT!" Now we know...
Not a booster. It’s a VAXX Bio Weapon to murder people.
That's not what Rav is saying in this well researched article. But if you have evidence to support your claim of a conspiracy to murder people through vaccines, then please provide it.
Without getting too into the weeds, the simple proof is that it HAS killed so many people and those in authority don't seem bothered by it even a little bit. It hasn't slowed their roll at all, in fact they don't really acknowledge more than a handful of "extremely rare" serious adverse events (but that's no reason you shouldn't get your new and improved booster!). By conventional standards, the drug would have been pulled after a few months.
With the exception of the 9 people killed by the Johnson vaccine, no one in the US has been killed by a covid vaccine. Versus at one point, 4000 people a day, about 30% healthy young adults, being killed by covid. Even today, 400 a day are being killed by covid, making it the third highest killer of americans.
The Pfizer documents forced to be released by court order in 2021 showed, among other things that well over 1,000 people died shortly after taking the vaccine only in the first 3-4 months of use. We don't know the total number of doses (redacted) but this fact alone puts the lie to the claim that no one has died from the mRNA jabs.
Are you insane? MILLIONS have “died suddenly” since the VAXX bio weapons were released by the Khazarian Mafia.
Please stop trolling
Anyone using the word “conspiracy” today has not only lost the argument but is also far too lazy to do even the smallest amount of research into the VAXX Bio Weapon.
I will re-phrase then: please provide sources to back up your claim that the intention of vaccines is to murder people. Then I can check their veracity and credibility and apply the kind of investigative rigour required to back up such an off the cuff assertion. The reason I'm asking you is because you are the one making the claim. You don't get to do that and then call me the lazy one.
Certainly...I give you the CDC
Read this. September 5th, 2019. Everything can be verified with Internet Archive. The so-called "operative" was from Sweden. Yes, that country that didn't seem to get Covid seriously.
And by well researched you mean bald face lies.
I'm actually asking questions of those who think the vaccines are a mass murder plot. Seems like you're on the other extreme here, where there's no room to question Big Pharma's profit motive or vaccine efficacy or safety. I'm sure Rav would like to hear about the bald faced lies he's written. Why not actually discuss and debate the points he's raised rather than question his integrity with a drive-by ad hominem?
It's extremely difficult to prove intent. It is, of course possible that the jabs are intended to inflict casualties. But isn't it far more likely that simple greed explains most of the bad behavior? Well connected corporations (Pharma) and individuals are making billions off the mRNA jabs and other emergency products. Government and NGOs are gaining power. And yes, much evidence points to deliberately ignoring injury and death the vaxxes cause. Fraud, recklessness and dereliction of duty and similar charges, most certainly. But murder and genocide? That is several notches higher on the scale of evil. And as I said, even if it turns out to be true, would be extremely difficult to prove.
100% correct.
All the details you will ever need.
There is no "vaccine"
Agree, "It’s a VAXX Bio Weapon to murder people.", but what too few realize is that, even if you remove the spike protein (confirmed bio-weapon part of vaxx), it would still be a bio-weapon vaxx because all mRNA pseudo-vaccines are harmful to humans, as noted in "john" comments below.
There are MANY different formulations of this bio weapon....many. When this war is over execution for these psychopaths will be the easy way out
Simplifying the proof of criminal malfeasance, by only having to prove the use of mRNA technology, will help simplify what it takes to do what you say = "When this war is over execution for these psychopaths will be the easy way out" = is what they deserve and what I pray for..
True, but point was that the use of mRNA technology shots, of any kind, is to use a bio-weapon against humanity. Medical basis for "mRNA use alone being all that is needed to prove shot is a bio-weapon" can be found in "john" comments below.
Is important for people to be aware of this fact because tptb plan to convert all vaccines to mRNA in the future, so all shots will be bio-weapons. Is a clever ploy by the criminals, as all they have to do is convince most people that bio-weapon ingredients are no longer in mRNA shots, and they now have a covert bio-weapon for people to take w/o thinking.
They are going to throw Big Pharma under the bus soon. mRNA will be killed. Everyone knows and most people are NOT taking them anymore.
Spring is going to be very sporty.
Sure hope you are right, but is almost certain that tptb crooks have powerful financial connections that they have used, for over a century, to throw monkey wrenches into efforts to hold the criminals accountable.
Again, hope you are right!
Are you suggesting that all this criminality began with the jewish establishment of the Fed in 1913?
Thee are no spike proteins in the vaccines. And what is in the vaccine is gone from your body in days.
"True" = "There are no spike proteins in the vaccines." That is:
* The mRNA pseudo-vaccines infect your cells, causing them to make key parts of the spike protein, which causes your immune system to make antibodies to attack the spike proteins in your blood, but unfortunately this is not where they need to be to keep people from being infected by covid (ie, these antibodies are needed on the inside surfaces of your airways, so they can help keep breathed-in viruses from infecting you -- see 11:10-12:28 of Dr Bhakdi MD tutorial, ref’d below )
* Also unfortunate is the "fact" that these antibodies will cause the cell, that generated the key spike proteins parts, to be attacked/killed by "complement" in a violent and highly inflammatory manner (see 16:15-19:39 of Dr Bhakdi MD tutorial, ref’d below)
"Not True" = "And what is in the vaccine is gone from your body in days." That is:
* “what is in the vaccine is gone from your body in” weeks or months, not days (see 20:50-21:23 of Dr Bhakdi MD tutorial, ref’d below)
“Ref’d Video” = Dr Bhakdi MD’s tutorial ( )
Thanks for the video. I wouldn't put so much time into giving quality responses to what appears to just be a troll.
Thanks for the feedback -- expect you are right, but am motivated by chance of helping others to become more aware as a result.
Has been very difficult to get info on this "mRNA flaw" widely noticed, would appreciate any reco's ...
The testing on 8 mice was an appalling example of the incompetence and lack of professional standards in the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry in and of itself. More broadly though, it was a blatant example of the obnoxious arrogance and disdain the industry has for the wellbeing of it's customers. With billions of people's health at stake, and depite the enormous resources at their disposal, they put in the effort to test 8 mice!
Those who have faith in this industry are so deluded it beggars belief.
Same goes for the FDA, CDC, NIH etc. 8 mice, and they're keen to shove it into people's bodies.
The testing of only eight mice, was in my opinion just a bad joke on all of humanity. Just testing to see how far they can push the credulity of humanity.
The essential point is that the entirety of the USA - and other "nations" too, is not a nation whose various departments are there to help you, or to improve your quality of life, they are simply there to make a profit, because they are not "nations", but rather, corporations, so to hell with any outdated ideas about "transparency" "professional standards" "refusal to lie in pursuit of profit" etc etc. So only having eight mice in their pre release "study" makes good financial sense - it saves them money, and gets the profit flowing more quickly.
We know that they are immune from liability if these EUA products go wrong - as they clearly do - so there is no financial reason for them to ensure that they are either safe or effective - words which, incidentally, do NOT mean what you think they mean.
The only way to get the booster “approved” was to do a short-term in mice focusing only on antibody response. If animal trials or clinical trials were done, it might become obvious how deadly mRNA-based injections are (leading to poor clinical outcomes and an increase in all cause mortality). Better to do a superficial, short-term study in mice, and sacrifice them to end the study, before finding out they die from the treatment intervention (vaccination).
I suspect you are spot on. My version is the most generous interpretation, yours, the most accurate.
Agree in general, but in my view, it is "criminal malpractice/incompetence" for all MD's involved in pushing these deadly shots, because they are ignoring the immune system basics they were taught in medical school.
Not much immunology is taught in medical school, so I don't think most have the knowledge base to know when "science" and state/federal agencies are lying to them. Those pushing the vaccine as federal/state employees are protected by governmental immunity. Patients and the public have little chance when the government and system are against them.
Agree, with your point, except for MD's sitting on immunological approval boards -- like the VRBPAC, that approved mRNA shot for 6-month old kids, who are at near zero risk from covid -- who's competence to serve on such panels requires that they understand basic immune system functions.
Not an expert, but believe the "protected by governmental immunity" you mention is actually the bond/insurance that public servants buy (and are reinbursed by govt) to protect them from financial loss in case their incompetence/fraud hurts others.
Also agree, "Patients and the public have little chance when the government and system are against them." But, think having one of the "legal powerhouses going after the covid criminal," target, financially ruin, and ideally jail a few individual MD's on such approval boards would go a long way toward scaring the other MD's into acting more ethically.
And to facilitate such civil/criminal trials, the idea was to simplify malfeasance arguments to, at a minimum, being that mRNA use was inherently damaging to humans. And, that MD's on boards that approve immunological therapies, like the VRBPAC, are liable for injuries resulting from their bad decisions, which ignored damages resulting from basic immune system functions, that have been established for decades in medical textbooks and studies.
Well written. Thanks for putting this together.
Great article...wish I had been as well informed at 21. You will go far.
Wholeheartedly agree!!!!
we all know by now who the government is serving. BigMoney. They are either on the receiving end or they are blackmailed. Or both. Nobody cares about you or me or anyone else (or may be for a few dear and near) but what is life of a few hundredthousand citizens, if you get a few millions in your bank account?
Wrong. They are serving the eugenicists like Doctor Bill Gates.
I doubt institutional trust will ever recover, and Pfizer and Moderna will never get the blood off their hands.
Two Points:
1. They just want to make sure we're all ready to get sick or maaaaybeeee even be affected by 5G when they want.
2. The less Unvaxxed there are the less chance they'll get caught for murdering millions upon millions because then WE WON'T BE ABLE TO COMPARE.
Truth is already popping up with all the sick in Oz, NZ, Israel and most of the EU with who's really hospitalized or dying.
Well written, thanks. I am furious that our tax dollars are being wasted in "marketing" of this ridiculously ineffective and wildly untested new shot, that is fixing something that doesn't exist. Covid is no longer deadly except in super at risk people, and those people are better of getting early treatments through their doctor, like vitamin C, D3, zinc, Ivermectin, and if necessary, in extreme cases, some form of monoclonal antibody. With treatment done early enough, deaths drop to virtually zero. So why are we still pushing experimental vaccines with our tax dollars???
Good article! I had two medical appointments yesterday, one office did not require the mask to be worn. Yay! The dentist had me worried because not only did they want to know vaxx status they wanted to know boosters as well. For a brief moment I thought they would turn me away. They didn't and I was relieved, turned out to be a positive experience. The last dentist I went to was over the top crazy about Covid protocol.
The Germans are wanting new data, and the vaxx to stop while it is being done.
You need a new dentist ACrone... don’t compromise.
Why? I liked them, they were very good to me. I sat in the chair the whole time w/out a mask, while waiting for the dentist and chatting w/the asst, the only Rona thing they did was to ask me to rinse my mouth out w/a hydrogen peroxide mouth rinse before they started the exam. I do that at home. The dentist fixed my pain issue and they didn't charge me an arm and a leg. Now, the other dentist was anal, and that is why I wanted to try someone new.
Sorry I thought you were describing your old dentist .
Amen Bro - as long as we comply with this bs, it will continue. Do not answer these types of questions and walk out if they insist.
They didn't insist, they didn't even question my response. I don't know how many medical doctors you see but every last one of them ask about the vaxx. What was new to me was the question about how many boosters. I don't think they have a choice to not ask about vaxx status. Where it gets tricky is if they deny service. I wasn't denied anything, in fact got excellent care.
I can’t help but wonder if they were worried about shedding.
I don’t know about my dentist’s stance on all this but they’ve never asked vax status.
Thankfully I have had to only see one doctor and she works in Sherri Tenpenny’s practice. No more allopathic docs for me. EVER!
In early November I went to a routine annual eye check-up. Among the routine medical questions was whether I'd had my flu and pneumonia shots. I asked the nurse "Are you required by the government to ask that?" She said "Yes." I answered "no". After I had left the office, only then did it occur to me that the appropriate response would have been something like: "That is none of your business, unless you can persuade me that a vaccination has any relevance to the care that I am to receive today."
Bivalent? So Now twice the chance of myocarditis and death! Or twice as fast...
There is no informed consent.
There were no clinical trials.
There is no "vaccine".
“Feeling overwhelmed by the news? You’re not alone. There’s a lot of information out there, and it’s hard to break it all down and digest it properly. That’s why I, Bill Gates, invented Liquifact — an easy-to-absorb formula that ensures you’re getting all the right facts.”
Great article ... thinking of spreading it on my Substack as did Robert Malone.
Genocide still being pushed!!! This is not for anyone's health!!!! People Wake Up!!!
Yes, the author of this piece is guilty of contributing to genocide with his bald face lies.
I've spent 2 + YEARS studying this attempt at GENOCIDE!...As Eugene V Debs responded when asked what is wrong about Capitalism "When you make a dollar then you want another...where is the end of THAT!" Now we know...
Calling your attention to the donors list of the 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee (Trump-Pence)
Start with:
Pfizer 1 M
Dow Chemical 1 M
Amgen 0.5 M
Pfizer - Needs no explanation
Dow Chemical - start here
luciferase, lipid nanoparticle delivery systems, partnership with AstraZeneca for monoclonal antibodies
He who pays the piper calls the tune and that tune is called Warp Speed.