The Bhagavad Gits states that one should abandon all religion and just surrender to God. What do you think about the mind of God? When I think about the complexity of DNA and the fact that so much of our body is coded information, it makes me think that there is a great Thinker. I mean codes on any scale don't happen by accident but this is a huge scale. There must have been thinking involved?

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Have you heard of Yazhi Swaru? She is an extraterrestrial who has contacts on earth. One of her contacts, a girl named Gosia, has translated her articles and reads them on YouTube on the platform called Cosmic Agency. She explains everything about the nature of reality, the falsity of earth science, outlines the mathematics that connects everything through vibration, gives us free energy, explains with ether is, the nature of reincarnation… the list if her disclosure is very long. I advise you have a look at some topics that might interest you, or just start from the beginning of their correspondence. I just save them to my Brave playlist and listen to them offline in the car. I would love to hear what your beautiful mind has to say about this disclosure given to us to “wake us up.” I’ll check out this app too. Thanks for sharing it. https://youtu.be/y5q9uOc093A?list=PLE_kWXZhJBbSNE-80ho7siES6U6o85_ms

If you go to playlists: the playlist right at the bottom of the list is the entire communication from start to finish.

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I am interested in the connections between mindfulness and the concepts in psychology of depersonalization and derealization. Is mindfulness at its core getting at the "good" side of those concepts which in psychology are recognized as pathologies? I have no doubt I'm not the first to frame this, but I come by it honestly without malice toward mindfulness.

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