I'm also from BC and your work has been invaluable in my legal case against my employer for forcing a no jab, no job mandate on the workforce. Thank you for keeping journalism alive.

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Feel free to tell me about your legal case and how my work has helped. Could potentially publish as a guest post here. rav1033@yahoo.ca

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I'd also be interested in your story. I'm in BC, was fired from a long-term engineering job in a private company, solely for choosing to remain unvaccinated.

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You've made a bold choice that took courage and I applaud you for it. I hope you're doing well and if you'll pursue a legal case, I hope you win.

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It is not even deadly to elderly with several comorbidities. I know a couple in their 80s both well overweight, diabetic, one a heart patient, who had it early on and said it was like a mild flu. There is this 114 year old nun in France, now she is 116. A 92 year old friend had it last month (despite 4 jabs) and said it was a flu. I know only 3 who were really sick from it, one 40some, one 68, one 60, without comorbidities. There are several theories why some people get sick and others don't. But I think for most it just passed us by.

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I really wish we heard more about these theories and that there was more focus in that area, rather than this one size fits all societal approach.

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yes but that does not bring any money in the machine ! they could even HEAL someone !

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It was the greatest crime in world history!

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So far.

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Denis Rancourt from Ottawa University has recently released a paper on All Cause Mortality. He was interviewed on Iron Will: https://rumble.com/v1ycyjo-what-really-killed-millions-denis-rancourt.html., Data showed Gov't actions caused the most significant amount of deaths, Vaccines saved no lives, people who die are the fragile, there was no sudden virus, this was induced by gov't.https://denisrancourt.ca/entries.php?

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Lies, damned lies,

And statistics.

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There were many people who were pointing this out in March and April 2020 but this was ridiculed. While I was against most of the measures from the beginning, this was a particularly good article regarding the issues:


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Great article Rav. It's worth mentioning that Cambridge University's Biostats agrees the extremely low IFRs in Dr. Loannidis's paper. See link below and scroll to the Epidemic Summary for the most recent IFRs.


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Two points:

First, The Canadian military was busted for exaggerating the risks (psy op-type stuff). We have no reason to assume other militaries weren't similarly complicit in stoking fear. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/psychological-warfare-influence-campaign-canadian-armed-forces-1.6079084

Second, I dispute the point about excess deaths among the young. They are there. And, in Canada, they're shocking. It's not Covid though--it's the Covid response. The fear-induced response caused the deaths that so many feared. The irony, if not tragic, would be laughable.

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Please explain what you mean by the Covid response.

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I'm thinking of lockdowns, school closures, limiting services for people who use drugs, firing people for their vaccination status, squeezing small businesses, etc. I consider these to have had highly adverse impacts on mental health and, consequently, led to an uptick in deaths of despair.

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It takes a stupid person to make a stupid rule,

And a fool to mind it.

Do not be a stupid.

Do not be a fool.

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So much fear and panic was circulating in early 2020 over Covid 19 by the comparisons being made to the Spanish Flu in 1918 and the world wide death toll of 50 million.

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Sorry I'm just seeing this now. Happy New Year and thank you everyone for the well wishes. Rav, I will be in contact shortly. I have been busy meeting with lawyers from the BC Human Rights Clinic (it's a free service funded by the Ministry of Justice. In short, if you belong to a political group that is against mandates (not antivaxx), you have political code protection under the BC Human Rights Code. The employer has to prove that injecting you is a bona fide occupational requirement and that they tried to accommodate you to the point of undue hardship. I am an office worker who worked remotely throughout the pandemic and received positive job reviews.

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As well as Ionnidis’ figures being an overestimate as they don’t adjust for health status (with most deaths being in the unhealthy) they also overestimate further by:

1. Using official Covid death numbers so including all the ”died with” deaths (eg man falls off ladder but tests positive), and

2. Not accounting for those whose mucosal immunity and / or T cells fight off whatever “the virus” is without seroconversion.

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Once you realize that none of this actually had anything to do with a virus, it all starts to make a lot more sense. They were just using covid as a way to scare the population into going along with their "Great Reset" agenda, and to get them to take questionable injections.

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Survival/fatality rate for 60-69, 70-79 and over 80 missing. Why not publish those too?

Even the CDC doesn’t have them.

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Is there a breakdown by underlying condition? And by underlying condition & age?

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The government and medical establishment (which are basically one and the same) downplayed the role obesity played in fatality. I would guess many of the people who succumbed to Covid could also have been carried off by the flu or a cold that affected the lungs.

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It was indeed a mechanism to instill maximum fear and panic of the virus on the one hand ("millions and millions will die"). On the other hand, euphemisms were used to portray measures against the virus as comparatively harmless, trivial and banal: https://twoplustwo.substack.com/p/from-social-distancing-to-post-vac

Keep up the good work, Rav!

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